AJ Adkins awarded Imaging Science Fellowship
We are thrilled to announce that AJ Adkins, a PhD candidate in our lab, has been awarded the Imaging Science Fellowship through a highly competitive election process! This fellowship recognizes AJ’s exceptional contributions and dedication to advancing imaging science. We’re incredibly proud of AJ’s hard work and are excited to see his continued success in […]
Z-lab awarded the 2024 ASRM Discovery & Innovation Grant
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has awarded Washington University the 2024 ASRM Discovery & Innovation Grant to support the project to facilitate in vitro fertilization using label-free, time-lapse 3D optical coherence microscopy, led by Prof. Chao Zhou. This award is supported by the Howard and Georgeanna Jones Foundation for Reproductive Medicine. A maximum […]
Z-lab awarded ARPA-H research grant for PIC-OCT
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) has awarded a research grant to the Enabling Technologies for Photonic Chips-based Optical Coherence Tomography (PIC-OCT) project, led by Prof. Chao Zhou. The project has a budget of up to $20 million over a five year period to develop a fully integrated and portable ophthalmic OCT system […]
FlyNet2.0+ paper published in Scientific Data
The paper, “A Drosophila heart optical coherence microscopy dataset for automatic video segmentation” provides a dataset of Drosophila heart images and open source code for heart segmentation. Read more here.
Prof. Zhou elected Fellow of Optica and American Heart Association
Congratulations to Prof. Zhou for being elected as a fellow to both Optica and the American Heart Association! The title of Fellow recognizes individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics in areas including research, education, engineering, business and society. Read more: https://engineering.wustl.edu/news/2023/Zhou-elected-Fellow-of-Optica-American-Heart-Association.html
Zlab at BMES 2023
PhD students Fei Wang and Abby Matt presented their work at the Biomedical Engineering Society Conference in Seattle, Washington. We had a great time learning about exciting new research in biomedical engineering and exploring Seattle. Fei presented a poster “High-throughput Longitudinal Monitoring of Human Heart Organoids using Optical Coherence Tomography” and Abby had an oral […]
Blastoid paper online in Cell Stem Cell
In collaboration with Dr. Thorold W. Theunissen’s group at WashU, the Blastoids paper is online in Cell Stem Cell now at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1934590923002886.Congratulations to Fei Wang, Senyue Hao, and Kibeom Park!
Summer students win poster awards
Congratulations to Ping-Hsien Lee, Wei-Shan Wong, and David Honig for receiving poster awards for their summer projects. Ping-Hsien and Wei-Shan presented at the WashU Summer Research Symposium, and David presented at the CardS Research Symposium.
3D motion tracking paper now online
Senyue Hao recently published “High dynamic range 3D motion tracking using circular scans with optical coherence tomography” in Biomedical Optics Express. The paper describes a new motion tracking algorithm which can provide compensation for the movement of samples during image acquisition. Read more here.
Dual modality OCT system monitors human heart organoids in vitro
Senyue Hao, Chao Ren, Fei Wang, and Dr. Kibeom Park recently published “Dual-modality imaging system for monitoring human heart organoids beating in vitro” in Optics Letters. The work was done in collaboration with Dr. Aitor Aguirre at Michigan State University, and uses both fluorescence and OCT imaging to capture organoid beating dynamics. More information can […]
OCT provides 3D quantifications of mouse ovarian follicles
Our paper, “Three-dimensional imaging and quantification of mouse ovarian follicles via optical coherence tomography”, was recently published in Biomedical Optics Express. This work was lead by Dr. Marcello Magri Amaral, and showed the promise of SD-OCT as a tool for facilitating the selection of ovarian tissue for cryopreservation. Read more here. Congratulations to all the […]
Masters students graduate
Congratulations to Yuxuan Wang and Jiantao Zhu for graduating with Masters degrees in Biomedical Engineering. Yuxuan will become at PhD student at the University of Washington and Jiantao will begin working in Dr. Adam Bauer’s lab at WashU. We will miss having you in the lab and best of luck on your future endeavors!
Abby Matt awarded NSF GRFP
Congratulations to our PhD candidate Abby, who was awarded a fellowship through the highly prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program! The NSF GRFP recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who have demonstrated the potential to be high achieving scientists and engineers, early in their careers.
New start in 2022 Spring!
Congratulations to Abby! She completed her undergraduate study in WashU and became a graduate student here to continue working with us. We also welcome new coming students, Yiyang Chen, Yilin Li, Yuxuan Wang and Jiantao Zhu, to be on board. Wish we all would achieve great progress in the new year!
Cardiac organoids paper online in Nature Communications
In collaboration with Dr. Aguirre’s group at Michigan State University, the cardiac organoids paper is online in Nature Communications now at https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-25329-5. Congratulations to Yixuan Ming!
A new start for Z-lab!
Our lab is moved to WashU on July 1st, 2019. We are about to start a new journey together!